Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Who is that looking back at me in the mirror...?

Well, it has happened.  I turned 40.  I really don't feel much different than I did at 18, other than I can't run 5 miles just for the hell of it, and my joints creak a lot more.  And maybe I see a few lines on my face that weren't there when I was 18, but who can be sure, right?  I can say one thing, my daughter keeps me on my toes, and hence I tend not to think about how old I am...much.  But, when she is 20...I will be 60.  Arrrgh!!  That right there would be enough to drive someone crazy.  So, I will just continue to dive into figuring out my new job, continue to wait yet another week for the cable to be installed, and love my daughter as much as possible and try not to think about the age factor.  For now...  :)


Three Js said...

Well, at least you look young :) At least that gene trumps the "sweaty" gene we inherited! :)

Norm said...

and I'll be 82 when she's 20!!!
top that!
love you

Mrs. M said...

You probably won't mentally feel any older at 60 than you do now, it will just be the achy joints giving you away. I'm sure by then they will have fabulous anti-aging serums too!