Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Feeling a bit violated today...

Well, it has finally happened to me.  My diaper bag was taken from my shopping cart today, while I was browsing for some new linens for the guest room.  I felt so sick to my stomach when I realized it was gone, and then somewhat panicky on top of that.  They took Olivia's bottle, and all her diapers as well as my wallet/house and car keys, my good sunglasses, and my iphone headphones.  Thank goodness for dad, who came and picked us up and took us to Jeff's work so I could get his house key.  The front door lock has been changed.  I will have to get my driver's license and a new key for the Jeep tomorrow.  Canceled my debit card and ordered another, and have a watch on my credit record in case anything funny happens.  And, I miss my bag, which was made by Queen Bee, and was a gift from Jeff after Olivia was born.  But, mostly I am just pissed off, because the one time I am not wearing my bag across my chest is the day that they nab it.  Ugh!

Now just waiting for Jeff to get home from the airport with his sister and brother-in-law (hence, why I was shopping for linens).  Olivia is already sound asleep, so I have a little peace and quiet for a bit.  A couple beers have helped as well.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better...I hope.

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